San Fong Seng Construction & Engineering Company Limited (Macao)

Construction Works is the main business of the Group. Its subsidiary San Fong Seng Construction & Engineering Company Limited was incorporated in Macau as a limited liability company and commenced business in providing structural works and fitting-out works services in Macau in 1998.

Lap Polly Engineering Company Limited (Hong Kong)
The Group stepped into Hong Kong construction market by acquiring 60% equity interest of Lap Polly Engineering Company Limited in 2019. Lap Polly Engineering Company Limited is a company incorporated in and has a principal place of business in Hong Kong, which is principally engaged as sub-contractor in building construction and engineering services. It is a registered general building contractor and a registered minor works contractor with the Building Authority.

ActivPro Limited (Hong Kong)
The Group completed the acquisition of 51% equity interest of a Hong Kong company, ActivPro Limited, to explore air-purification market in 2020. ActivPro Limited  is engaging in air purification businesses. Its ActivePure Technology is the only air purifier scientifically proven to reduce COVID-19 virus on surfaces. For details, 

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